Well, MySpace might be dead, or dying, but if anything that adds to it’s attraction for me. It was the first Social Network I got into (apart from the so un-user friendly one that goes by the name of life) but I’ve left my MySpace alone for ages and can’t summon the energy to drag myself into bringing it up to date. But if it’s on its last legs then maybe I’ll get onto that soon.
The point? Well, I used to play this game on MySpace, jumping through people’s profiles until I found something interesting enough to capture my attention, whether it be a picture, a song or just a link to somewhere out of there. I started out counting how many jumps it would take from my friends list before I found something new and interesting.
It’s always bugged me that I never turned that into something other than the equivalent of Sudoku for people who can’t be arsed with thinking, but if I’m honest that’s because I couldn’t be arsed. Until now that is (bet you didn’t see that coming) so here’s our (slightly adapted) “Adventure in MySpace”.
I happened upon the 13th Floor website for one reason or another and I wondered how far I could get from 1960’s Psychedelia in just 5 easy steps. No messing about, no picking and choosing, just a sort of Derren Brown type “automatic” browsing. Just click on the link that grabs you and see where you end up.
So here we are on the 13th Floor MySpace page. They’re a club night held occasionally, regularly at a pub in “that “ London. It’s pretty in a plain sort of way and seemingly they have the same sort of attitude towards updates as I have. I was hoping for a music widget to start us off, but sadly no, so it’s on to…
Morton Valence, I couldn’t tell you why, but the cartoony profile pic must have done the job. A band and as we’re not stopping a little hard to tell you what kind, 30 seconds of flicking gives me an “Intasella meets the Cocteau Twins” but you can guarantee that’s wrong. Next….
Antistars, I doubt it was the name, maybe the high heels, but it boringly turns out to be Morton Valance’s agent or sommat. On a high point, I find out that they’re signed to “Bastard Recordings”, even better I’m on a quick third step. A bit of a duff choice, because all I’ve got is their artists, but it’s fingers crossed and…
On to Bobby Baby. ARRRRRGHHHH! I’m stuck in twee alt.EuroPop, but there’s worse places. Music that would be great for a conversation starter at a subdued dinner party, but I’m off to the kebab shop. Or at least I am if I don’t get trapped in a world of bands that aren’t as quite as good as Stereolab…
No luck and step four is Steso Songs, listen yourself, if my previous descriptor floats your boat.
And so on to my, concept saving fifth choice, and despite “safe” choices of Roy Orbison and Fleetwood Man, I’m drawn to Stella (yes it’s been that hard an experience) and… ooops. A bike Derren Brown not picking the right number (maybe) I’ve ended up with a real person, with nowt to say for themselves. That’s good then.
Better luck next time, maybe. Until then…
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