Have you ever seen anything funnier than a bunch of rapidly approaching middle aged idiots soaked to the bone stood on a bridge with a tatty brolly waving sodden bits of paper around in a sub zero blizzard? Hilarious isn’t it?
If we were just here for your entertainment it’d be job done on all fronts but we have printers to pay and around 80 fanzines left following a “Code Red Abandon All Posts” for the second time this season. And we’ve only brought three fanzines out in total, that’s a 67% hit rate! Thanks for that Michael Fish!
My muddled maths logic tells me that if we have 80 left, there must be 80 people who normally buy the fanzine who have not yet acquired one yet. So this is a public information service to let you know we will be on the bridge again from 2pm flogging our wares again hopefully not getting p*** wet through this time.
Alternatively, you can just toddle off to one of the shops below or buy online here and have a giggle about how out of date the stuff we wrote three weeks ago now is….
So if you want 40 pages of news, views, reviews and affairs of the heart from new writers and your more familiar regulars we are offering up 20,000 words plus a few pictures for the handsome price of just 150 pence.
If you want to get hold of Mudhutter issue 35 there are a number of ways in which you can do so:
You can accost our sellers on matchdays at the DW (Latics only, not that other lot with all the gay banners) You’ll find them on the bridge on the corner of the East and South Stand, outside Rigalettos or wandering aimlessly around Champions Bar or the South Stand Bar. Our research tell us 60% of you buy this way
You can pick up a copy in Sparks Newsagents on Wallgate or from Waterstones in the Grand Arcade or from the green Programme van on Robin Park. And any remaining copies will be going in the Brick, Sams Bar, or Mesnes Road News. Another 25% of you choose this option.
Finally if you are scared of people and the outside world and nearly 15% of our readership have already exercised this option through postal subscription, you can get a copy roughly shoved through your letterbox by an unshaven postie, who is still probably wearing shorts even though it’s minus five outside by clicking the following link and buying a copy online
We promise you that it’s easier to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t have to rely on us to remind you when a new episode comes out.
Apple sorts can find it on iTunes here – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-pie-at-night-podcast/id1097853442?mt=2
If you prefer a different podcast app then just search for “The Pie at Night Podcast”.
You can also find us on Stitcher, here – http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-pie-at-night-pocast/the-pie-at-night-podcast
If you’re that way out, you can find and subscribe to our RSS feed here – http://feeds.feedburner.com/thepieatnight
And if you just want to take pot luck then you can find all our episodes on our Soundcloud page