Mudhutter Issue 47 incoming

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With our all new German style efficiency the latest issue of the Mudhutter hits the streets this weekend with 48 pages of carefully thought out prose and pictures from Wigan’s finest selection of helmets.

A more pensive, reflective, provocative, expensive, selective, creative, primitive, vegetative pamphlet you could not wish to acquire if you are so that way inclined.

In this issue we pay tribute to Jason Roberts and Britpop, talk Pies and Poetry,  and reminisce over Wigan Casino, internet message boards and local history. We cast our eyes over the FA Cup semi final and preview the run in and just what that man Rosler has got in store. Looking back, looking forwards and taking stock of where we are.

48 pages as ever by the fans, for the fans. Every issue see the same old contributors in their twenties to their fifties augmented by new faces putting pen to paper to extol the virtues of Wigan, Wigan Athletic or indeed any topic of their choosing like a council estate version of Mastermind. Putting pen to paper, from the heart, for you the selective, intelligent minority of Wigan Athletic supporters who like to read and take in what someone has bothered to write rather than doing all the talking. And with that I’ll shut up.

Buy in online here and get it delivered:

Buy it off our sellers before the Blackpool game this Saturday on the bridge, outside Rigalettos or in Champions or the South Stand Bar

Buy it from our stockists: Sparks Newsagent, Wallgate; Waterstones in Wigan; Mesnes Road News, Wigan; Brickmakers, Woodhouse Lane or the programme van on Robin Park

Buy a downloadable digital copy from

Or don’t buy it all. Nobody’s forcing you to. We’re working on it though.

We promise you that it’s easier to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t have to rely on us to remind you when a new episode comes out.

Apple sorts can find it on iTunes here –

If you prefer a different podcast app then just search for “The Pie at Night Podcast”.

You can also find us on Stitcher, here –

If you’re that way out, you can find and subscribe to our RSS feed here –

And if you just want to take pot luck then you can find all our episodes on our Soundcloud page

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